Mary Magdalene
The new parish church
for the area of Stoke Bishop was first planned in 1857, which did
not make the vicar of Westbury-on-Trym very happy as it was to be
taken from his parish, thus reducing his income! The foundation
stone was laid on 5th August 1858 and the church was built in
three stages but to the single plan of the architect John Norton.
The church that was
consecrated on 13th March 1860 consisted of the present apsidal
chancel, the east five bays of the nave and south aisle and the
base of the tower, roofed over to form (as now) the porch. The
north aisle followed in 1864, and the west two bays of the nave
and aisles, together with the narthex and the tower and spire
(150 feet) were completed 1871-2. In fact the spire was nearly
completed in December 1871 but was blown off the tower by a huge
gust of wind on 20th December but without damage to either the
tower below or the church itself.
The south side of the
church shows the final extension of 1883 when the large
south transeptal chapel was built, and the chancel and
apse carefully lengthened, probably reusing much of the
original stonework. The nave has a sanctus bellcote, and
a fleche unusually. The
main entrance is still via the base of the tower, and the
doorway has a carved tympanum with a scene of the
The beautiful proportions
of the interior are embellished by the care taken on the
ornamentation. Lush foliated capitals top the pillars and
the windows of the aisles have internal repeats of the
plate tracery. The shafting is picked out in dark colours
throughout the building and contrasts with the whitened
walls. |
The spandrels of the
arcades have foliage on the south and small carved scenes
of the life of Mary Magdalene under castellated canopies
on the north. Looking back from the chancel the fine
steep-pitched roof can be appreciated. |
From 1904 until 1966 the
chancel was separated from the nave by a wrought-iron
screen. In itself, it was rather beautiful, but with its
heavy superstructure, and the fact that it spanned the
nave rather than just the chancel arch, it was out of
keeping with the overall design. The vote by members of
the church was 80 to 60 in favour of its removal. This
meant that the full beauty of the chancel arch was
revealed once more. |
The apse has wall
arcading and gilded paintings of saints by Mary Tothill,
but the centre scene "The Supper at Emmaus" is
probably the work of Swayles and is part of the original
design. The essential Victorian feel of this church has
been preserved to the credit of the parishioners. It is a
huge church, but thank goodness the question of
subdivision of the building seems unlikely to arise as
new parish rooms were constructed to the north of the
church in 1963, linked to the church itself and greatly
extended in 1986. |
As far as fittings go,
the church has some typical High Victorian examples,
including the font (above) and much of the stained glass
inserted around the turn of the century. The apse windows
are of c1896 by Clayton & Bell, and the nave west
window is by O'Connor. This can be compared with the
lighter embellishment of the south chapel, early work by
Sir Ninian Comper (as he was to become) in 1923, with his
trademark gilded figures. |
The church is
generally open during the day. A full history is available, with
some pictures of the church but many more of people, "St
Mary Magdalen - The story of Stoke Bishop church 1860-2000"
by Henderson & Sheather, Bristol 1999 ISBN 0 9537370 0 4,
price £5.
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page created 9th
June 2000